看到付兰兰和Jonah Hill 这两个瓜娃娃就点进来了可能太喜欢付兰兰了害我屡次相信他编的狗屁谎话这个true story 是真的基于true story改编的最后大魔王的样子居然惊艳到我了插拔动态真人图还是很想知道他为啥会这么残忍mind hunter 第三季不考虑采访一下吗
Part of what's distancing me from the stories is simply that everything suddenly is dramatized, and another part is the sheer awkwardness of what's called "great connection": great connection in this show's context mostly mean two incredibly attractive people eyeing each other. I don't see me in any of the stories except for the lesbian teens confronting their feelings.